Nov 5, 2009
Prof. Akino's words
Aug 11, 2009
Sunset in Ruyigi
Aug 9, 2009
「衣」: ルワンダ国境の高地に住む子どもたちは、10度前後まで下がる気温のなか、ぼっろぼろの服とは言えない状態になった布をはおり、寒さで震えながら、冷たい土の上に素足で立っていた。
「食」: ブルンジも、世界的な食料危機から免れてはいない。主食である米や豆の値段は、ここ数か月で3割高になった。近所の八百屋で車を止めるたびに、子どもや赤ん坊を抱いた女性が近寄ってきて、「ジェ ファーム」(お腹が減った)、「シルヴプレ」(お願いします)と静かな声で訴えかけてくる。
「住」: 数日の雨で崩れてしまう土でできた家に住む人々は、それでも寝に帰る家がなくてシスターが運営する施設に来る人より恵まれているのだろうか。
A year and half passed by quickly in Burundi. There were these unfinished sentences that I had written a few months after arriving here. I didn’t know how to conclude it and still don’t know. I realized that I wouldn’t know it even in years, either! Now, I don’t need an excuse to finish these sentences unfinished, I thought, if I can update my blog that was kept silent for four months.
There is so much inequality and inequity in this world.
In Burundi, most people live without the minimum, basic conditions that allow us to live with human dignity (we may call it BHN- basic human needs). Food, house, clothing, health and education services, job… For instance:
Clothing: The children living in a town bordering Rwanda were shivering in the temperature below 10 degree Celsius, covering their body with torn-out cloth that didn’t have any trace of “clothing” and standing barefoot on the cold and wet soil.
Food: The global food crisis hit Burundi mercilessly. The price of staple food has gone up by 30% in the past few months. When I park the car in front of a grocery store, I am greeted by skinny children and women carrying babies saying “I’m hungry,” “Please”… even before going into the store.
House: Are people living in a mud house that can easily be washed away by 2-3 days of heavy rain better off than those who have no other option than to come to the “house” ran by the Sisters?
Just because they were born in Burundi, do they have to face so many difficulties in sustaining and pursuing their life?
But those who live in apparently harsh environment do also have their share of joy and laughs in their daily routines, and they who know how to embrace minuscule happiness may be having a more humane way of life than those unanimated children and adults in “civilized” cities.
As I walk back and forth between the extreme environments, I remain with optimism that, if we can push forward the solidarity, something is going to get better.
「衣」: ルワンダ国境の高地に住む子どもたちは、10度前後まで下がる気温のなか、ぼっろぼろの服とは言えない状態になった布をはおり、寒さで震えながら、冷たい土の上に素足で立っていた。
「食」: ブルンジも、世界的な食料危機から免れてはいない。主食である米や豆の値段は、ここ数か月で3割高になった。近所の八百屋で車を止めるたびに、子どもや赤ん坊を抱いた女性が近寄ってきて、「ジェ ファーム」(お腹が減った)、「シルヴプレ」(お願いします)と静かな声で訴えかけてくる。
「住」: 数日の雨で崩れてしまう土でできた家に住む人々は、それでも寝に帰る家がなくてシスターが運営する施設に来る人より恵まれているのだろうか。
A year and half passed by quickly in Burundi. There were these unfinished sentences that I had written a few months after arriving here. I didn’t know how to conclude it and still don’t know. I realized that I wouldn’t know it even in years, either! Now, I don’t need an excuse to finish these sentences unfinished, I thought, if I can update my blog that was kept silent for four months.
There is so much inequality and inequity in this world.
In Burundi, most people live without the minimum, basic conditions that allow us to live with human dignity (we may call it BHN- basic human needs). Food, house, clothing, health and education services, job… For instance:
Clothing: The children living in a town bordering Rwanda were shivering in the temperature below 10 degree Celsius, covering their body with torn-out cloth that didn’t have any trace of “clothing” and standing barefoot on the cold and wet soil.
Food: The global food crisis hit Burundi mercilessly. The price of staple food has gone up by 30% in the past few months. When I park the car in front of a grocery store, I am greeted by skinny children and women carrying babies saying “I’m hungry,” “Please”… even before going into the store.
House: Are people living in a mud house that can easily be washed away by 2-3 days of heavy rain better off than those who have no other option than to come to the “house” ran by the Sisters?
Just because they were born in Burundi, do they have to face so many difficulties in sustaining and pursuing their life?
But those who live in apparently harsh environment do also have their share of joy and laughs in their daily routines, and they who know how to embrace minuscule happiness may be having a more humane way of life than those unanimated children and adults in “civilized” cities.
As I walk back and forth between the extreme environments, I remain with optimism that, if we can push forward the solidarity, something is going to get better.
Apr 6, 2009
Buterere ブテレレ
「ウラシャカ クジャ クショーレ?」(学校は好き?)と、母親の病気のため退学せざるを得なかった女の子に聞いた。声を出さずに頷いた彼女はうっすら笑顔だった。父親はいない。今度の新学期(9月)からはできれば学校にいかせてやりたい、と母親は言っていた。
「ウラシャカ クジャ クショーレ?」(学校は好き?)と、母親の病気のため退学せざるを得なかった女の子に聞いた。声を出さずに頷いた彼女はうっすら笑顔だった。父親はいない。今度の新学期(9月)からはできれば学校にいかせてやりたい、と母親は言っていた。
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