UNICEFはBack-to-School (学校へ行こう!)キャンペーンで、17県のうち教育基盤がより脆弱な3県において、全小学生に文房具配布を行った。そして教育省は14県において、ウガンダ政府より寄付されたノートの配布を行った。子どもたちがこれらのノートを使い終わったら、各家庭が購入せねばならない。いつになったら、ブルンジの多くの家庭が、借金をせずに子どもを学校に送ることができるのだろう。
It’s been two months since the new school year started in Burundi.
Even though the school fee was abolished in 2005 and the uniforms are no longer mandatory, many Burundian families face difficulties in buying basic learning materials for their children. Why? They are simply not affordable. For instance, Burundi relies solely on imported notebooks from Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The price of imported notebooks has doubled since one year ago due to the rise in oil cost that pushed the transport cost up. How can families with very little income buy several notebooks that cost almost a dollar each to their numerous children?
As part of the Back-to-School campaign to promote enrollment and retention in school, UNICEF distributed learning materials to all primary school pupils in 3 out of 17 provinces where key education indicators are inferior. The Ministry of Education distributed notebooks donated by the government of Uganda in other 14 provinces. Once children finish using these notebooks, their families would have to buy additional notebooks. When would the majority of Burundian families be able to send their children to school without making debts?
Photos from the second day after school opening.
It’s been two months since the new school year started in Burundi.
Even though the school fee was abolished in 2005 and the uniforms are no longer mandatory, many Burundian families face difficulties in buying basic learning materials for their children. Why? They are simply not affordable. For instance, Burundi relies solely on imported notebooks from Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. The price of imported notebooks has doubled since one year ago due to the rise in oil cost that pushed the transport cost up. How can families with very little income buy several notebooks that cost almost a dollar each to their numerous children?
As part of the Back-to-School campaign to promote enrollment and retention in school, UNICEF distributed learning materials to all primary school pupils in 3 out of 17 provinces where key education indicators are inferior. The Ministry of Education distributed notebooks donated by the government of Uganda in other 14 provinces. Once children finish using these notebooks, their families would have to buy additional notebooks. When would the majority of Burundian families be able to send their children to school without making debts?
Photos from the second day after school opening.
1) Three boys who dropped out last year were sitting by the school wathcing others starting classes.
2) Packed classrooms... literally packed.
3) The classroom of Grade 2 had half of the pupils standing due to the lack of pupils' desks.
4) Talking to children and their parents at school.
1 comment:
Great photos ...
Ciao from Italy
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